
Auditioning 101

Instructors:  Danny Gay and Josie French

Ever wanted to audition for a show, but were too afraid to attend auditions? Come learn all about the audition process from the directors of MCP!  Ask Questions, work through the process, from the audition form to callbacks, we have the answers and more.  This is a two part series – the first hour and a half will cover a reading audition, and the last hour and a half will cover singing.


We are pleased that you have decided to join us for Auditioning class.  We can’t wait to see you at Cumston Hall on Sunday, January 28th.

6PM for the Reading portion of Auditioning Workshop

8:30 PM for the Singing portion of the Auditioning Workshop
Please email
or call 207-370-9566 with questions.

We look forward to seeing you there!