One of MCP goals is to administer an annual educational scholarship program in support of students pursuing academic studies in the performing arts, visual arts, or a production discipline in their post-secondary education. In 1997 after the death of board member Thomas Phillips, the scholarship was renamed in his honor. MCP sets an annual amount to be given out, up to $1000.00, and that amount may be divided among qualifying individuals. Students from our service area that meet the scholarship requirements are welcome to apply and be given consideration. The Thomas E.Phillips Memorial Scholarships are not eligible for renewal.Deadline is April 1st each year.
This scholarship, in memory of Thomas, relies on the generosity of our sponsors and kind-hearted donations from theater patrons.
If you would like to help us by making a donation to the fund, click the button to the left to make a contribution through Paypal, or please make your donation and mail to:
Monmouth Community PlayersThomas E. Phillips Scholarship Fund
PO Box 359
Monmouth, ME 04259

2021 – This year we have 5 recipients of the Thomas E. Phillips Scholarship for 2020-2021 at a value of $200.00 each. Each new graduate will be pursuing a degree in the arts field.
Winners are:
Amy Cote, a graduate of Lewiston High School, who will be attending Nazareth College.
Taryn Crummett, a graduate of Cony High School, who will be attending Husson University.
Madeline Levesque, a graduate of Cony High School, who will be attending Husson University.
Ethan Rombalski, a graduate of Leavitt High School, who will be attending Western Connecticut State University.
Lauren Therriault, a graduate of St. Dominic Academy, who will be attending Texas Christian University.
2020 – No Scholarship Awarded
2019 – Heather Pape has been awarded the Thomas E. Phillips Scholarship for 2018-2019 at a value of $750.00. Heather is a 2019 graduate of Leavitt Area High School and will be attending college at Dean in Massachusetts to pursue Theater Arts this fall. Heather has been an active member of her school theater program, as well as many area theater troupes including MCP.

2018 – Emma Vierling has been awarded the Thomas E Phillips Scholarship for 2017-2018 at a value of $1000.00. Emma is a 2018 graduate of Monmouth Academy and an active member of the Monmouth Community Players as well as her own H.S. Drama program. Emma plans to attend Lasell University in the fall pursing a degree in fashion merchandising.
2017 – No Scholarship Awarded.
2016 – No Scholarship Awarded.
2015: Ashleigh Dunham – The MCP awarded the 2015 scholarship to Ashleigh Dunham in the amount of $1000.00. Ashleigh is a 2015 graduate of Winthrop High School. She was active with Monmouth Community Players in several productions, both on stage and behind the scenes. She participated in the One Act Festivals and was very involved with Winthrop’s Drama Club.
Ashleigh is majoring in theater at Wheaton College, Norton MA.

2014 – no scholarship awarded
2013 – Gwenyth Frasier – Graduate of Oak Hill High School and attending Brandeis University – $1,000
2012 – Duncan Gelder – Attended Emerson College – $1000.00

Cassidy Small – Attended UMF – $1000.00
Anna Doyle – Attended Colby College – $500.00
Evan Arbor – Attended Ithaca College – $500.00

2010 – no scholarship awarded
2009 – Alyra Donisvitch – Attended Napora University – $1000.00
2008 – no scholarship awarded
2007 – no scholarship awarded
2006 – Crystal Cobb – $500.00
Meredith Mulcahy – $500.00
Coleman Nation – $500.00

Alison Traynor – $500.00
Alison Traynor – $1000.00
Bethany Perkins – $500.00
Vaughn Donahue- $250.00
Dana Trafton – $250.00

Tina Lewis – $1000.00
Tina Lewis – $1000.00
Jodie Hayford – $500.00
Katie Mulcahy – $500.00
No Scholarship Awarded
Cathy Johnson – $1000.00
Megan Chuprevich – $500.00
Hannah Jackson – $500.00

Sabrina Yocono – $600.00
Scott Moreau – $400.00

Tori Jackson – $500.00
Amy Collemer – $500.00
Jen Hodson – $1000.00